
20 Interesting Facts about The song, Sweet Low Sweet Chariot

20 Interesting Facts about The song, Sweet Low Sweet Chariot. We do not know who created the famous African-American spiritual "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."...



Jerry Lawson: The man who Pioneered the Video Game Cartridge.

(December 1, 1940- April 9, 2011) Photo credits: The Estate of Jerry Lawson (Jerry Lawson) Before Xbox, PlayStation, or even Atari, you had to buy a...


12 Facts about George Crum

Before discussing 12 facts about George Crum or George "Speck," let us look at common legends about how some believe potato chips originated. Who...
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African-American Firsts

Paul R. Williams: The Man Who Helped Build L.A, Architect to the Stars”

Paul R. Williams was born on February 18, 1894. He is a well-known American architect based in Los Angeles, California. In 1921, he...

Meet a substantial contributor to the study of cardiovascular disease and the first black Ph.D. in Chemistry.

Courage is like a habitus, a habit, a virtue: you get it by courageous acts. It's like you learn to swim by swimming. You...

The first black-American is known to have earned a bachelor’s degree

EPISODE 31 Podcast Notes Introduction to Alexander Twilight His parents father, Ichabod was black or mulatto His mother, Mary's race, is not certain His education He completed not only the secondary...

Sarah E. Goode: The First Black woman to receive a patent and Trademark

Sarah Elisabeth Goode Sarah E. Goode was an entrepreneur and inventor. She was the first American woman of African heritage to receive a...

Lila Fenwick became the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Law School.

In 1956, Lila Fenwick became the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Law School. Fenwick later led the United Nations’ Human Rights Division. She attended Harvard in 1954 when the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education came down, joining only a handful of women and the only black woman a one year before Ruth Bader Ginsburg started as a first-year student at the school.
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The Black Woman who invented Rock n’ Roll Sister Rosetta Tharpe

Podcast Notes Sister Rosetta Tharpe is the topic of this podcast today. Hey everybody, welcome to Tellers of the Untold I'm Vanessa, your host. And...
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